Turkey Suppers & Silent Auction
Turkey Suppers & Silent Auction
October 18, 25, November 1
4:30-6:30 pm
In the Fellowship Hall we’ll be serving a delicious, made-from-scratch turkey supper, complete with stuffing, mashed potatoes, squash, cranberry sauce, homemade pickles, rolls and a large variety of pies.
At the same time there will be unique, wonderful items available to bid on in our Silent Auction which takes place upstairs in the sanctuary. We had 150 donations last year and will need as many this year in order to make it a success.
If you have something to donate please bring it to the church on Sunday, October 12. If you can help with the set up of the Silent Auction, please get in touch with Nada Pierce.
This is one of our largest fundraising events of the year and we would appreciate any help you are able to give during this event. There are lots of opportunities to pitch in before and during the event: cooking, serving, donating, baking,cleaning, etc.
Sign up to help at http://goo.gl/XgZIMW or look for the hard copy sign-up sheets at church.