TTT, Earth Day Worship
Our Calendar for this week:
Thursday April 19
7-9 pm–Third Thursday Theology in the Fellowship Hall
Sunday April 22
10:00 am–Worship Service for Earth Day, Chuck Fenton, worship leader
10:00 am–Religious Education trip to Cider Hill Gardens
After the service–Buildings and Grounds Circle meeting–all invited
Hello friends,
Third Thursday Theology will happen this evening in the Fellowship Hall. This month we’re having an open topic time, to discuss any questions and ideas that you may have. Join us for the conversation!
Worship this Sunday is a special service for Earth Day, led by our own Chuck Fenton.
Chuck has also been integral in organizing several other Earth Day celebrations in Hartland that will take place later in the day, including a guided walk on the Hartland Nature Trail led by Mary Holland, Dean and Susan Greenberg, and Jennifer Waite, beginning at 1:30 at the library, and a film “Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our Time” at 3:30.
Our children in the Religious Education program will be beginning a season-long lesson in planting and gardening, led by our own Sarah Milek of Cider Hill Gardens in Windsor. Most of the lessons will take place here on the church grounds, but for this first session, the children will travel to Sarah’s greenhouse to start some seeds. Jill has been in touch with our RE list, and has organized rides for those involved.
Parents–if you are intending for your children to participate and you haven’t contacted Jill yet, please do so now–and cc it to me so we can make sure we know you’re coming!
I had some very good meetings last week, first at the Maine-New Hampshire-Vermont UU Ministers’ meeting, and then at our overall district meeting. I got to attend many good workshops and I think I’ll be processing my learning for quite a while. One highlight of the district meeting was our own Sue Buckholz, as president of our district, ably presiding over a meaningful and successful annual meeting that lasted all of 32 minutes. Last year’s meeting (before Sue’s presidency) was almost 3 hours long. “It’s a UU miracle” someone said when we adjourned. Nah, it’s just Sue!
Happy Earth Day to one and all. I hope that you get to enjoy and love our dear planet this week and every day.
In Faith and Love,