Soup Bread-line Fundraiser & RE Update
There’s a lot going on this week-end! Don’t forget the Soup Bread-line fundraiser for the Hartland food shelf on Saturday at the UU Church from 4:30-6:30. Soup and bread donations are appreciated.
Last Sunday Dana Jacobson-Goodhue with the assistance of Noah Jacobson-Goodhue and Mariet Jaarsma guided the children through the process of felting wool. The children can look at their results this Sunday.
This Sunday Sue Taylor will tell the K-3rd graders a Spirit Play story she created called, “The Story of a Man Who Followed his Beliefs to Save the Jaguars.” Mariet Jaarsma will be her assistance. Children in 4-6th grades will head to the parsonage after the children’s message to finish the Spirit Play box they’re creating about the story of Saint Valentine.
Following the service, Clyde and Bruce will provide us with a special treat of maple sugar on snow and home-made donuts. I really look forward to this annual church tradition!
Don’t totally fill up on sugar on snow because the youth group will have their last fundraiser brunch until noon at the UCC Brick Church to raise money for their mission trip to New Haven, CT.
See you on Sunday,
Jill Lloyd, DRE