RE Update
Hello Families,
We are pleased to present our Winterim Worship Service this Sunday! The children will be great up in front of the congregation, they’ve been busy rehearsing the play and learning the hymns. My only concerns are the PA system and the heat 🙂
The very popular Chocolate Auction will be right after this service. Children will have the opportunity to bid on some items set aside for only them!
Ruby and Tate glued the children’s Valentine’s hearts on bags which I then dropped off at the Brick Church. These bags will be filled with special treats for some single members of the two congregations.
Please let me know if you and/or your children are planning on going with the group to volunteer at the Special Olympics on March 10.
Thank you to everyone for signing up to help with the RE program! We only have ONE spot left open until the summer program starts! Thank you Dan for encouraging people to sign up 🙂 We will start back in with our regular RE program on February 17.
See you Sunday,