Love is the doctrine of this church!


Please take a moment to reflect on what our church and its vibrant, engaged community mean to each of us. Throughout the worst pandemic of our lifetimes, we have stayed connected, energized, and involved. Services have brought us together every Sunday. Mission and outreach have been supported. Repairs and upkeep continue to happen. We see one another, sometimes even in person!

None of this happens without our individual support. Each household should have received a pledge packet for 2024. If you haven’t received one, please let Administrator Nancy Walker know (

Please consider what our Unitarian-Universalist community means to you and join us in making a pledge so that our combined energy continues to encourage love and caring among us and in the larger world.

If you have questions or need another pledge form, please let us know.

Thank you,

Hilary Hamilton,
Colleen Lannon,

The Pledge Committee