Ladies Aid Hall
We have an exceptional opportunity in front of us and you are invited to attend a special meeting on July 20 to decide on purchasing a piece of property adjacent to our own. The following is the warrant for the special meeting explaining the circumstances.
You may have noticed the For Sale sign on the building around the corner from the church on Route 12, commonly referred to as The Ladies Aid Hall. About 50 years ago we had an opportunity to buy it but chose not to as the basement of the church had recently been done over to serve as our Fellowship Hall. There is more interest in the building this time around for it’s proximity to our current grounds, along with the many other possibilities owning the property would afford our congregation. The assessed value of the building is $49,600. The Priscilla Richardson fund was set up for just this purpose a few years back and others have indicated a willingness to add to that to get us pretty close to that amount. While our By-Laws do not specifically state we need a full congregational vote on this action, it seems that a purchase of this magnitude should warrant a lot of discussion about its potential. We will hold a special congregational meeting with a discussion and vote following the service on July 20.
We will ask the congregation to vote on the question, “Shall the congregation give their approval to the governing board and trustees of the congregation to purchase the Ladies Aid Hall for an amount near it’s assessed value?”