May Day, Clean-up the church yard party, Membership
This Week’s Calendar:
Sunday May 6
9:30 am–Children’s Choir rehearsal to sing in the service!
10:00 am–Intergenerational May Day Service & Maypole
After service–All-Church Work Party!
After the Work Party–Lunch!
Monday May 7
6:30 pm–Governing Board meeting in the parsonage
Friday May 11
Deadline to submit committee and circle reports to for inclusion in the annual meeting
Hello Friends,
Well, the forecast is looking pretty good for Sunday and our annual celebration of May Day/Beltane, and our annual spring work party and lunch!
This is a joyful service for all ages, and I will be looking for a few people of all ages to help by reading short pieces of our Beltane Litany–let me know if you’re willing, or I’ll just ask you on Sunday morning.
There will be nursery care available for ages 5 and under, though young children are welcome in the service as well.
And during the service, we will also have the honor of conducting the dedication of our community’s current youngest child–Ryder Pikramenos!
And we’ll end the service, of course, by dancing around the Maypole.
Following the service, we will have a wonderful chance to work together and tidy up the grounds and buildings, and get things ready for an expansion of our gardens this summer!
Dave and Sue Taylor and Jill Lloyd, and Jake Ross, and others, I’m sure, have been preparing for a while for this work party, so a big thank you to them!
We have mulch ready to spread, and scaffolding set up on the yurt so we can clean it, and a great list of projects, again for all ages. (I’ve been asked to let you know that adults only are allowed up on the scaffolding).
Our devoted nursery care provider, Dan Guy (and anyone else who wants to join him) will also be helping lead several tasks appropriate for children, if some parents decide to take on some tasks that might be frustrating for younger hands.
I’m told that you should bring: Clothes you don’t mind getting dirty, work gloves, any yard tools you think we might need (rakes, weeders, wheelbarrows, etc), and a salad or some bread for the lunch.
Also, we could use a wood chipper and a carpet cleaner, if you happen to have access to one of those.
The plan is to work until 1:30 or so, and then to sit down and share a wonderful meal, including some quiche, prepared by the inimitable David Day, and whatever salads, breads, and such you might want to bring along. (I’m hoping we’ll have some coffee and snacks while we work as well!). [
In other news:
A reminder that if you’re planning to join our church on or before our new member Sunday, May 20, that you please let me know (in writing, e-mail or paper–please!) by this Sunday! If you’ve already told me in person, but not in writing, please send me a note–I need the reminder, I’m afraid!
This being the first Sunday of the month, there will be a special second collection during the service. This month’s offering will go to benefit the Minister’s Charitable Fund, which I use to support members of our congregation and the wider community who are in need.
The fund is used for material support–such as vouchers for food or gasoline, and direct payment of bills. I do not give out cash, nor any support to individuals I don’t know or trust through some connection to our congregation or community. In reality, the amount of support I can offer is generally quite small, but often it is enough to help. T
he nature of our times is such that the current need for support outstrips the funds I have available. Your gifts will help me help members of our own community get through some tough times. You can make out checks to FUSH.
Finally, a reminder to members and chairs of our committees and circles–we’re asking that by next Friday, May 11, you submit a BRIEF written report to our office at for our annual meeting. Nancy will compile the reports into a general church that will be available at the annual meeting after the service on May 20.
Thanks for all you do, and I’ll look forward to dancing and working with you all this Sunday!
In Faith and Love,