Worship Meeting, UU101, and other fun activities
This week’s busy calendar:
Thursday April 26
7:00 pm–Quarterly Worship Planning Meeting–All invited
Friday April 27
8-10 am–Food Shelf
9:30 am–RE Circle Meeting at the Lloyds
Saturday April 28
7:00 am–Yard Sale set-up at the Church
8:00 am–Yard Sale at the church
Sunday April 29
8:30 am–Intergenerational Book Group–The View from Saturday
9:30 am–Children’s Choir rehearsal (to sing on May 6)
10:00 am–Worship and Children’s RE–Paul Sawyer, preaching
after service-2:30–UU101 Session on “the Nuts and Bolts of Membership and Participation in our Congregation”
5-6:15 pm–Junior Youth Group at the Congregational Church
6:30-8 pm–Senior Youth Group at the Congregational Church
Hello friends,
Wow, there’s a lot going on this week!
This evening will be the first meeting of our new format of our worship planning circle. If you’re interested in helping to ensure that we’ll have high quality worship in our congregation every week, please join us! All are welcome. We will be discussing plans for this summer’s services, having a conversation about guidelines for guest speakers, and clarifying and updating and discussing how we’re doing things now.
I don’t know much about the yard sale on Saturday except that it’s happening, but I bet it’s pretty self-explanatory. Show up and help us raise some money for all our good work! I believe that you can contact Connie Tessier for further information.
This Sunday, join Katy and Emma Sawyer for the first meeting of an inter-generational book group, before the service at 8:30 am. Some tasty breakfast snacks will be available. The book for this month is E.L. Konigsburg’s “The View from Saturday”. I’d love to tell you where this group is meeting, but the co-leader who is sitting next to me right now says she doesn’t know. I suspect it will be in the parsonage, but look around and you’ll find them.
Maybe I should mention here that if you’re hosting an event that you would like me to publicize in the weekly e-mail you should send me the details before Thursday morning!
I’ll be leading worship this Sunday–it’s the penultimate in our series on our liturgy, this time focusing on Sermons, Homilies, Reflections, and the like.
After the service we’ll be holding the last in our UU101 series of workshops, with a focus on the “nuts and bolts” of our church–committees, getting things done, volunteering, the budget, and how to be involved. See you there!
We will be holding a New Member Sunday on May 20. If you’re interested in joining our congregation, please speak with me by next Sunday, May 6. And even if you may have mentioned it to me in the past, just send me a quick note now to be sure!
Our youth groups will meet this Sunday at their usual times at the Congregational Church of Hartland (the Brick Church). Please note that this is a change from the previous youth calendar. Lucia and I couldn’t make the meetings as scheduled originally on May 6. These are the last regular meetings of the school year for the youth groups! Bring snacks to celebrate!
See you on Sunday! And tonight! And several other times!
In faith and love,