TTT, Worship, Youth, Newsletter, Feminine Tone
Hello Friends,
Are you planning to be at one of the Christmas Eve Services? I am looking for a few children, youth, and adults to do readings and for one family at each service to light the Advent candles. Let me know soon if you, or someone you know is interested!
Join me for Third Thursday Theology tonight, Thursday December 15, at 7:00 in the Fellowship Hall. We’ll be exploring the story of the birth of Jesus in the biblical texts and in our culture. What’s there in the Bible, what isn’t, and where did it come from either way? Tons o’ fun!
I’ll be leading worship this Sunday, and the choir will be singing. We’ll have an extra hymn, and a homily with some thoughts on the holiday season.
Guitar (and such) players–if you’d like to help accompany “Light One Candle”, let me know and I’ll send you the chords we’re using.
The youth groups will be meeting this Sunday AT THE BRICK CHURCH (that’s a change from previous messages)–Junior youth 5-6:15, Senior youth 6:30-8. These are our annual youth holiday parties, so bring a (regifted, used, or cheap) wrapped present for the Yankee Swap!
This Sunday is also the deadline for our January church newsletter. Please sent items for the newsletter to Nancy Walker.
Also this Sunday, at 4:00 pm, the wonderful local women’s chorus, Feminine Tone, will be offering a concert in our sanctuary. The cost for the concert is $10. Feminine Tone is a remarkable group, and we’re honored that they choose our sanctuary to host their concert each year! See them if you can!
And I know you hear this all the time, but please–remember to breathe in this busy season, and to notice the beauty all around and within us!
In faith and love,
Some reminders for upcoming events:
Wednesday December 21, 7:00 pm–Annual Solstice Celebration and Bonfire in the sanctuary and outside (I hope it’s obvious which is where…).
Saturday December 24, 7:00 and 9:00 pm–Christmas Eve Candlelight Services in the sanctuary.
Sunday December 25–NO REGULAR WORSHIP SERVICE–Merry Christmas!
Saturday December 31, 7:00 AM–in the morning!–International hour for peace with meditation, performances, and pot-luck breakfast to follow! Let Bineke Oort know if you’re interested in offering a song, poem, or other performance!
Sunday January 1, 10:00 am worship for the New Year!