RE Buzz—June 2011
As this RE year comes to a close, it’s satisfying to observe the cohesiveness amongst our children as a faith community.
When they enter into the yurt, the routine of settling in is second nature to them. They are able to independently lead the rituals to gather in community before entering into their sacred space. Once settled into their sacred space, I am proud of the respect they give each other and their thoughtful explorations of the meaning of life. It affirms in my mind that it is a gift for adults to be able to work with our children.
During RE for the past several weeks, the children have been working on 1-2 minute skits to demonstrate the seven UU Principles during RE Sunday on June 6. I have enjoyed listening to their interpretations of the principles and their ingenuity to demonstrate them.
As I look out of the window from my office, the labyrinth is surrounded by lush green, the daffodils blooms have past; the apple trees are in bloom; and the perennials planted last summer now define the gardens. From June 19 to Sept. 4, we’ll have Summer RE. Each Sunday the children will engage in simple, outside projects focused on gardening or fun nature activities.
Our RE program depends upon adult volunteers, so I invite you sign up for a Sunday to have the privilege and fun working with our children. No advance preparation is necessary and all of the activities are ready to use.
In Faith, Jill Lloyd, DRE