Quilt Raffle!
Civil War histories so often focus on the military commanders who led various battles. But, who were the women married to these leaders, and what sacrifices did they endure as their husbands went off to war?
The answer can be found in Civil War Chronicles, a Civil War commemorative quilt. The quilt blocks tell the stories of twelve women who encountered their own struggles on the home front while their husbands were away at war. Read more about women of the quilt here.
This King Size handmade quilt will be raffled off to support the Universalist Society of Hartand, VT on Oct. 31, 2015. But don’t wait! Buy your tickets now by calling:
802 738-0102
Click here to read more about history of women and the Civil War,
as well as the Women of the Quilt
Civil War Chronicles crafted by Elaine Hart
King Size
Raffle Tickets: $5 for Single, $20 for 5
Drawing to take place at the last Turkey Supper on Oct.31, 2015. Benefit the First Universalist Society of Hartland. Money to be used to renovate the newly acquired Ladies Aide Building.
Get your raffle tickets now by calling 802 738-0102.